Jamtara – Sabka Number Ayega is an Indian crime drama web television series created & directed by Soumendra Padhi and written by Trishant Srivastava. The story revolves around the social engineering operations in the Jamtara district of Jharkhand. It was released on Netflix on 10 January 2020. The second season premiered on 23 September 2022.
Celebrity | Act as |
Amit Sial | Brajesh Bhaan |
Dibyendu Bhattacharya | Inspector Biswa Paathak |
Aksha Pardasany | SP Dolly Sahu |
Sparsh Shrivastav | Sunny |
Anshumaan Pushkar | Rocky |
Aasif Khan | Anas Ahmad |
Monika Panwar | Gudiya Singh |
Harshit Gupta | Baccha |
Rohit KP | Munna |
Aatm Prakash Mishra | Bachchu |
Kartavya Kabra | Shahbaaz |
Monu Kanojiya | Chhotu |
Simran Mishrikoti | Varsha Mishra |
Mahesh Chandra Deva | Doctor |
The story revolves a bunch of small-town young guns who operate a successful phishing racket, but then they come across a corrupt politician who wants a share of their business. Finally there's a newly appointed Police superintendent who wants to fight against them all.